To install a solar electric fence system is not difficult if you read Tongher Technology offered instructions below:
Choose a fence system that suits your application. Think about what animals you are trying to control and if the fence will be temporary or permanent. Go though for different energisers.
Purchase a solar fence charger and accessories. Do an Internet search for solar electric fence or visit local farm and hardware stores to compare systems.
Build your fence starting with end and corner posts and stretching a string between them to mark where to place your line posts. Set line posts and stretch the wire or mesh you selected around the perimeter. Attach with insulators and tensioners.
Locate the solar electric fence charger at one end of the fence on a sturdy mounting surface, such as a building or wooden post in direct sunlight facing south. Make a ground bed near the fence charger by digging a shallow trench and driving in the number of ground rods recommended for your installation. Attach the ground (negative) lead to the grounding rods and the positive lead to the fence.
Let the charger charge in direct sunlight for at least 24 hours before energizing the fence. Check the voltage on the fence regularly following energizing the fence. Use an electric fence tester for safety.
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:2013-11-22 11:34:00 【print
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